About Charity - Jaalan Bani Bu Ali Charity Team

Jaalan Bani Bu Ali Charity Team

Jaalan Bani Bu Ali Charitable Team is a charitable organization concerned with humanitarian aspects and promotes charitable work in the state of Jaalan Bani Bu Ali.

In kind Donations service
79600900, 91930999

Leadership in charitable work by creating an advanced charitable institution that works to develop the charitable sector, advance its tools, enhance the values ​​of solidarity among members of society, develop needy families in the state, and contribute to service and development projects in the state.”

Achieving an internal partnership and providing aid and services in accordance with quality standards and in a way that preserves the beneficiaries’ dignity and honesty, earning us the trust of supporters among the people of society.

“Team goals 1- Transforming insolvent families into productive families 2- Contributing to community service projects 3- Sponsoring volunteer activities in the state 4- Carrying out charitable work on an organized basis 5- Providing urgent assistance in emergency situations 6-Enhancing the culture of volunteer work in the state 7-Financial sustainability of the team through endowments. 8- Providing assistance to the needy and the insolvent. 9- Instilling the spirit of love and giving among the members of the community "

Relative Initiatives

You can make a big difference in the lives of many people, so that we can all help and be a reason to bring joy to those who are in dire need of help.

al'iighathat walmusaeadat aleajila
alwaqf alkhayriu
Sponsoring an orphan
alhaqibat almadrasia
kafalat talib ealam
alhaqibat almadrasia
tarmim manazil
kafalat asirat mueasira
tamkin al'usra
khidmat almujtamae

الجهات و المؤسسات الداعمة لمسيرة عطاء الرحمة الخيري