About Charity - Bidiya Charity Team

Bidiya Charity Team

The Bidiyah Charitable Team is a non-governmental, voluntary organization, established in 2012, and officially recognized in 2018, operating under the supervision of the Social Development Committee in the Wilayat of Bidiyah. The team has a board of directors concerned with organizing the administrative and financial work, and assisted by volunteers who work with sincerity and dedication in the logistics operations of the team. The team finances its charitable programs through receiving all kinds of donations either in cash or by receiving items (medical, household appliances, etc) from individuals and institutions in the Sultanate, in accordance with the laws and regulations applicable to the collection of money from the public.

25583300, 91302030

Towards a stronger and prosperous community.

Enhancing the charitable and voluntary work in the wilayat, and working towards a socially interdependent society by involving all segments of society in charitable activities in the state, and providing support to the needy families, orphans and people with special needs.

- Working to consolidate the values and concepts of charitable work, social solidarity, and volunteering in the minds of young people stemming from the Islamic and human principles alike. - Enhancing efforts exerted to improve the standard of living of the eligible families, orphans, and people with special needs in the wilayat. - Providing assistance to those affected during natural disasters and pandemics in the wilayat, in collaboration with the national efforts to manage disasters, and according to the available resources. - Participating in the social and charitable occasions in the wilayat in coordination with the concerned official authorities. - Cooperating and communicating with other governmental and private charitable institutions, and exchanging experiences and knowledge with them in order to develop and update the tools necessary for the team towards fulfilling their objectives. - Advocating the concept of good citizenship and social solidarity through the work of charity and volunteering.

Relative Initiatives

You can make a big difference in the lives of many people, so that we can all help and be a reason to bring joy to those who are in dire need of help.

Helping people imprisoned due to debt
Public charity
Orphan sponsorship
Home construction and renovation assistance
Providing home appliances for needy families
Sponsoring a needy family

الجهات و المؤسسات الداعمة لمسيرة عطاء الرحمة الخيري