About Charity - Bakha Charity Team

Bakha Charity Team

The Bukha Charity Team is a non-profit voluntary team that was established in 2019. It works in the spirit of one team and seeks to provide charitable, voluntary, developmental projects for the Wilayat of Bukha in cooperation with the official authorities, the Bukha Sports and Cultural Club, the Omani Women’s Association in the Wilayat of Bukha, the Zakat and Charity Committee in the Wilayat of Bukha, companies and individuals, and work to spread the spirit of Patriotism in young people through their work in implementing these projects and employing their capabilities and energies for what is good for them and their country and the scope of their charitable and voluntary work.

In kind Donations service

We look forward to deepening the spirit of voluntary charitable work, as it is a positive value for building a good citizen, and a prominent pillar for the development of society

Seeking to build a community partnership to provide services that meet the needs of beneficiaries, working through an integrated system of qualified cadres and effective strategic companies

.-Providing insolvent families with skills and competencies that help them reach self-sufficiency..- Responding to new individual and family cases at the wilayat level..- Coordination and cooperation with civil and governmental institutions to achieve common goals socially and culturally..Providing material and moral support to insolvent families, orphans, widows, students, patients and job seekers..

Relative Initiatives

You can make a big difference in the lives of many people, so that we can all help and be a reason to bring joy to those who are in dire need of help.

General Donation - Bakha Charity Team

الجهات و المؤسسات الداعمة لمسيرة عطاء الرحمة الخيري