About Charity - Bahla Charity Team

Bahla Charity Team

This team is called the Bahla Charitable Team. It has a legal personality, has independent financial liability, and has the right to ask questions and dispose of it within the limits of achieving its goals. It has the mandate of Bahla, and the team is able to supervise the Social Development Committee in the state of Bahla.

92244050, 93225858, 99441471

Volunteering is one of the characteristics of this era. People have unanimously agreed upon it, and individuals have raced towards it, believing that societies are built on the hands of their loyal members. Volunteer work is authentic and deeply rooted in our society. The monuments, monuments, endowments, and other things our fathers and grandfathers left behind in this ancient state are a testament to what they have accomplished, something that could not have been achieved had they not spent their souls and money in order to achieve it. The Bahla Charity Team is only an extension of this giving, which seeks to spread goodness, solidarity, communication and synergy among members of society

Consolidating cooperation and solidarity among members of society and providing charitable and volunteer work in the state of Bahla, based on the teachings of the true religion and the culture and values ​​of the authentic Omani society.

Embodying the meanings of benevolence, compassion, integration, and cooperation in acts of righteousness and goodness by working with society, and for the team to be distinguished at the Sultanate level, administratively and financially, in terms of performance, and for it to work to achieve the following goals: 1.Raising awareness of the importance of solidarity and cooperation among members of society. 2.Building a sustainable administrative and financial system that consolidates institutional work and activates the systems and procedures that ensure the sustainability of institutional work. 3.Diversify the team's funding sources. 4.Building an accurate, comprehensive, and renewable database for beneficiaries and donors. 5.Working to transform needy families into productive families. 6.Conducting social and cultural activities and programs in order to raise community awareness of charitable work. 7. Developing the skills of team players to keep pace with societal developments and ongoing administrative changes and attract new active members in all team committees and activities. 8. Working on marketing the team and consolidating relationships with donors to find permanent funding for the team. 9. Cooperating with charitable teams, associations and institutions authorized in this field and exchanging experiences with them. 10. Participate in relief and rescue work whenever necessary. 11. Contributing to community service projects and sponsoring volunteer activities in the state in coordination with civil and governmental community institutions

Relative Initiatives

You can make a big difference in the lives of many people, so that we can all help and be a reason to bring joy to those who are in dire need of help.

Student sponsorship
Ramadan parcels
Building and maintaining homes
Holy Quran competition
mustalzimat almadrasa

الجهات و المؤسسات الداعمة لمسيرة عطاء الرحمة الخيري