About Charity - Association for Early Intervention for Children with Disabilities

Association for Early Intervention for Children with Disabilities

Early Intervention is an integrated system of programs, procedures, and policies for children with disabilities and their families. The association aims to detect disabilities early, provide appropriate rehabilitation, and improve the quality of life of children and their families through support and education on how to best handle children's disabilities. It reduces the burden on families by supporting them continuously, every step of the way.


Our Vision  To reach every child with developmental challenges so that they can live to their maximum potential with the highest possible degree of independence and inclusion Oman society.

Our Mission The association aims to establish and manage self-sufficient, affordable rehabilitation centers that provide preventive, curative and rehabilitative services to children with disabilities to reduce the incidence of disability and its severity.  

1. Rehabilitation services • Providing assessment, rehabilitation, and training services for children with disabilities and their families in all developmental fields (motor, sensory, social, linguistic, emotional, behavioral, educational, and functional) by developing individual treatment and rehabilitation plans and integrating them into the school or community. • Improving the quality of life for children with disabilities and their families by developing all rehabilitative services provided to them and bringing children to the greatest possible degree of independence and self-reliance. 2. Disability training services • Training center in the field of various disabilities with the aim of qualifying the trainees to become capable and qualified to serve, care and rehabilitate people with disabilities and to adopt it as a specialized training center. 3. Awareness and advocacy for the rights of people with disabilities • Educating the segments of society to reduce the incidence of disability by clarifying the causes of disability and the available alternatives through media awareness and working with all ministries and governmental and private institutions to activate the community awareness role, activate laws and develop empowerment. strategies for people with disabilities and their families and defend their rights. • Cooperating with similar local, regional and global institutions and organizations to benefit from their services in the field of association activity in coordination with the Ministry of Social Development and to share our success stories and lessons learned.

Relative Initiatives

You can make a big difference in the lives of many people, so that we can all help and be a reason to bring joy to those who are in dire need of help.

الجهات و المؤسسات الداعمة لمسيرة عطاء الرحمة الخيري