About Charity - Maeen Endowment Foundation

Maeen Endowment Foundation

The University of Nizwa founded the Moeen Endowment organization , a private endowment organization, to support students financially and educationally through the implementation of various projects and programs. It also aims to inspire students to pursue their academic, professional, and research goals by giving them access to the tools and opportunities they need. In compliance with the executive provisions of the Endowments Law published by Ministerial decision No. (23/2001) and its revisions, it was announced by Ministerial decision No. (378/2023), issued on 07/30/2023 AD.


Prominence in funding the scientific endowment and guidance in aiding scholars and students.

fostering connections between the community and universities to advance education, and ensuring endowment funds by offering the most effective means of development and investment.

1. Providing the necessary social and health environment while assisting financially disadvantaged university students in realizing their goals of education and training. 2. Building faculty and student researchers' capacities to give them the right foundation for contributing to research and scientific output, as well as funding research project demands. 3. Take part in encouraging community service and volunteerism in order to further the organization's objective by using relevant resources and cutting-edge techniques. 4. Assisting in the enhancement of the university's human resources' research and functional skills. 5. Encouraging students to invent, master, and practice creative thinking skills; also, to be driven to learn new skills and hone their abilities in the area of student activities. 6. Growing the endowment's resources, maintaining its viability, and expanding its investments across a range of industries and renewable energy sources in compliance with the lawful and acceptable endowment controls.

Relative Initiatives

You can make a big difference in the lives of many people, so that we can all help and be a reason to bring joy to those who are in dire need of help.

الجهات و المؤسسات الداعمة لمسيرة عطاء الرحمة الخيري