About Charity - Barka Charity Team

Barka Charity Team

Barka Charity Team (an institution concerned with humanitarian aspects and promoting charitable work in the state)

barkacharityteam@gmail.co, uu5nn@icloud.com
90753030, 90798080, 93880441

We seek to enhance the values of solidarity among members of society, develop needy families, and contribute to service and development projects.

Providing humanitarian aid and volunteer work

Spreading goodness and building bonds of love among members of society Spreading the culture of volunteer work Finding stable funding sources Create a database of families in the state Transforming insolvent families into productive ones

Relative Initiatives

You can make a big difference in the lives of many people, so that we can all help and be a reason to bring joy to those who are in dire need of help.

Donation (Debt Payment )
Orphan Sponsorship
Electrical Appliances & Furniture
Home Restoration & Mintenance

الجهات و المؤسسات الداعمة لمسيرة عطاء الرحمة الخيري