About Charity - Hasad Liwa charity Team

Hasad Liwa charity Team

Liwa Charity Harvest TeamFounded on 5/27/2015 AD A social charitable team affiliated with the Social Development Committee in the Wilayat of Liwa and works to promote the principle of social solidarity and the advancement of voluntary and charitable work in the state, working in a team spirit.


Work to spread the culture of social solidarity among members of society.

Promoting the principle of social solidarity, promoting volunteer and charitable work in the state, and working in a team spirit.

Working to spread a culture of social solidarity among members of society. The private sector’s contribution to alleviating the suffering of society. Striving to transform needy families into productive families. Rehabilitating community members who are under the influence of poverty and need. List the needy families in their eight categories, which are (orphans, widows, divorcees, people with limited income, social security families, families of prisoners, families of the disabled, families of the elderly).” The private sector’s contribution to alleviating the suffering of society.

Relative Initiatives

You can make a big difference in the lives of many people, so that we can all help and be a reason to bring joy to those who are in dire need of help.

general donate
Holy Quran memorization competition
Sponsoring an Orphan OMR25
Charity for orphans
Treatment aids
Friday Donate
Help in building homes
Umrah for orphans
Student smile
Memorizing the Quran for orphans
Sponsoring a poor family 25 omr
Supporting elderly people and special needs

الجهات و المؤسسات الداعمة لمسيرة عطاء الرحمة الخيري