About Charity - Moqshin Charitable Team

Moqshin Charitable Team

The Maqsh Charitable Team was officially announced in 2023 , for the basic community needs, which is support for the families embraced by the state by providing an environment for charitable and volunteer work with community participation and embracing it through the official legal frameworks guaranteed by the Ministry of Social Development and under the supervision of the Social Development Committee in the state. The team also focuses on providing assistance to needy families, orphans and the needy in the state of Moqshin, in addition to participating in national efforts in emergency situations. The team funds its charitable programs through donations and donations provided by charitable individuals and institutions from within the Sultanate, in accordance with approved laws and permits granted to collect public money from the public.


Empowering families in the state of Maqshin to be developmental families.

Activating charitable and volunteer work in the state of Muqshin through organized institutional work that contributes positively to providing activities, programs and social services with high-quality standards and activating effective partnership in society in addition to strengthening the principle of charitable work in our communities.

1 - Working to consolidate and instill the values ​​and concepts of charitable work, social solidarity and volunteerism in young minds. 2 - Disseminating religious, charitable and humanitarian values ​​to consolidate, root and deepen the value of social solidarity and to encourage and encourage it. 3 - Strengthening the efforts made to improve the standard of living of eligible families, orphans and people with special needs in the state. 4 - Providing assistance to those affected during natural disasters and pandemics in the state, in accordance with national disaster management efforts and according to available capabilities. 5 - Participate and contribute to social and charitable work in the state in coordination with the competent authorities. 6 - Cooperating and communicating with other official and private charitable institutions, and exchanging experiences and knowledge with them, to develop charitable work in the Sultanate and renew its mechanisms. 7 - Instilling the concept of good citizenship and belonging to the homeland by promoting national work in the field of volunteering.

Relative Initiatives

You can make a big difference in the lives of many people, so that we can all help and be a reason to bring joy to those who are in dire need of help.

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الجهات و المؤسسات الداعمة لمسيرة عطاء الرحمة الخيري