About Charity - Association for children with disability

Association for children with disability

The Association for Children with Disabilities is a charitable association established pursuant to Ministerial Resolution No. 19/91 issued by the Ministry of Social Development, with its main headquarters at Al-Azaiba in Muscat Governorate It provides free rehabilitation and training services to more than 400 male and female children with various disabilities distributed among the association’s centers spread throughout various regions of the Sultanate The rehabilitation of these children is supervised by a number of qualified Omani cadres under the supervision of a number of scientifically and practically qualified specialists. The Republic offers the following rehabilitation programmes: - (Physical therapy, occupational therapy, psychological therapy, speech therapy, and special education) In addition to providing prosthetic devices for children, such as wheelchairs and others, and providing transportation and nutrition.

Pioneering support services for children with disabilities and their families

Providing support services according to approved professional standards for children with disabilities and their families with the aim of qualifying and empowering them in society.

1- Honoring children with disabilities, working to care for them, and coordinating efforts to develop special and advanced services, events, and activities for children with disabilities. 2- Taking the hand of children with disabilities and helping them in various areas of life to enable them to adapt and integrate into society. 3- Stimulating and intensifying efforts at the regional and international levels with the aim of providing them with possible assistance and striving to provide appropriate means for them in various events and activities. 4- Support and encourage research and studies concerned with people with disabilities, especially children 5-Working to develop awareness among various segments of society and public and private bodies and institutions of the humanitarian value of donating and providing material and moral voluntary services to children.

Relative Initiatives

You can make a big difference in the lives of many people, so that we can all help and be a reason to bring joy to those who are in dire need of help.

(The cost of rehabilitating and training a child
A project to prepare and equip training and treatment halls

الجهات و المؤسسات الداعمة لمسيرة عطاء الرحمة الخيري